Showing posts with label #BubbleBlowing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #BubbleBlowing. Show all posts

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Book Release: The Art of Bubble Blowing

What Is Stunning?

What Is Pure Living Art?

What Is Addictive?

What Is Truly Magical?

Why Do Spectators Call It Beautiful?

What Never Gets Old?


Finally, someone wrote an intuitive, insightful and revealing book about the art of bubble blowing. An essay about the magic, addiction, and beauty of the visual art and performance art of bubble craft. 

The Art of Bubble Blowing: A Bubble Blowing Picture Gallery and Performance Tutorial 

Learn how to blow huge, breathtaking, beautiful bubbles. Make fantastic bubble wands, bubble juice and fascinating tricks with this inspiring pictorial guide to bubble blowing. The Art of Bubble Blowing features stories, a bubble art gallery, bubble wand crafts and bubble blowing tutorial, complete with activity ideas, bubble recipes, and recommended bubble wands and solution. 

The Art of Bubble Blowing

It's not an illusion. It's not slight of hand. It is a magical natural phenomenon
that is miraculous.
So it has been written. So it shall be done.
Writing, illustrations, and photography by Mark and Brenda Askew.

#BookRelease, #Books, #Performance Art, #Visual Arts #BubbleShows, #BubbleBlowing, #Bubbles, #FamilyFun #Hobies #Art #Photography #Entertainment 

Thursday, August 4, 2016

The Delicate Art of Bubble Blowing

B u b b l e   A r t   I n   M o t i o n 



T h e  A r t  o f   B l o w i n g  B u b b l e s 

Angelo designed an original three-ring wand and his special bubble solution 
recipe and combined his original theme song composition to produce
this beautiful and relaxing art in motion music video.

A b o u t   U s

Our Mission:  To put a smile on the face of each child and
plant a seed of joy and hope in the heart.
To rekindle the innocence and wonder of childhood 
in adults and teens alike.

Objective: Help us purchase a $350,000 theater
featuring live bubble shows, puppet shows and movie.
 The theater will seat 300 attendees at a time. 
There will be hands-on walk-thru tours throughout the day
 featuring fascinating colorful 
bubble blowing inventions and science displays

The Art of Bubble Blowing
By Mark Angelo Askew


We are The Happiness Makers. Fund our cause  


Tuesday, May 17, 2016

The Ecstasy Of Life and Water

I am reminded of a story many have experienced in the west. The rain has not come for several weeks. The air is dry and dust rolls over miles of dry, lifeless and cracked land once used for farming.
Many have migrated north east. Others with no place to go remain, frantically fighting fires as the brittlebush and tumbleweed become wicks and ignites into flames under the scorching heat of the sun. The water is gone.  Nothing is left to consume. Life comes to slow end.

The sky darkens. It is not a dust bowl. Heavy clouds roll in. The welcome smell of moisture fills the air. Suddenly streams of water fall from the sky and smacks the ground. The rain clouds release their storage as ribbons of rain sweep across the plains in a bellow of smoky steam. Gushing water fills streams, rivers and springs to the point of flooding. People once at the edge of despair are suddenly in ecstasy screaming and laughing as they run from their houses arms open wide letting the rain soak in their eyes, faces, and open mouths, enlivening their once dried out bodies. Days later new life springs. Migrating animals return and the business of life begins again.

Celebrate Life

It's time to celebrate life giving water! What better way to do that than a pool party, backyard water hose games, a trip to the beach or water sport activities. Sheer joy!

Their is a similar reaction when adults and children behold for the first time another miracle of air and water. The amazing sight of giant translucent, luminescent rainbow colored bubble art form floating in the air. Imagine seeing an 8 foot long 4 foot wide bubble floating by glistening in the sun and flashing the most brilliant colors you've ever seen.  

The Ecstasy of Water Bubbles

Now is the season to bring your next gathering to life. Fill the lives of generations with the joy and ecstasy that only the beauty of miraculous shape shifting bubbles can bring. Enjoy bubble gazing,

bubble art, bubble games, bubble water sports and more. It's eye candy like no other. Visit Angelo and Marie's Fantastic Bubble Show web site and behold the sheer joy, wonder and science of water bubbles.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Try Not To Smile Challenge

Ever wondered, just how big can a bubble get? Just how high can a soap bubble fly? Can you do tricks with bubbles? Do adults like to play with bubbles as much as children? Can soap bubbles hold an audience captive, spellbound and send them smiling all the way back home? 

We've listed some of the top bubble videos ever posted on Youtube. See what you think.

Try to watch these videos without smiling. We dare you.


Make your own soap bubble challenge.

1. Make a wand using a wire hanger. Bend in the shape of the letter "P".
2. Make your own bubble juice with half a cup of dish liquid, two cups of water and two tablespoons of glycerine or syrup.
3. Pour into a bowl and stir slowly
4. Dip the wand and blow.
Try to make a large bubble, see how high it flies. See how long it gets. 

For more information on bubble wands and bubble juice products go to...

9 Fun Bubble Shows
Spreading the charm of bubble blowing
 in Charm City, Baltimore

Bubble show music videos, First Stop.
The lawns of Johns Hopkins University
- John Hopkins at Eastern

Baltimore, Maryland.

Live in Maryland, Virginia, Washington DC or Pennsylvania? 
Want to make children in your community smile?
Book or donate a bubble show here.

Friday, December 4, 2015

How To Plan A Bubble Festival

So you want to plan a bubble festival. You may be eligible for a grant by the local municipality. This is a partial list for those planning group bubbling events. 

Bubble Event Location

Locate a spot that will allow plenty of parking and space for bubblers without bumping into each other.
Consider climate, weather, elevation, ground materials, overhead obstacles like tree limbs, local construction, private homes, commercial buildings and electric lines and such. Open space is the best space.

Insurance Policy and Permits

Get them well in advance

Sales License and Permit

If you're selling anything you'll need this.

Grant Use

If the grant policy permits use part of the grant funds for insurance, licenses and permits. For more information regarding grants for bubble festivals go to

Bubble Juice

I use non-allergenic ingredients and steam distilled water.
May I suggest that you make your bubble juice well in advance. Juice can hold up for weeks, some say months depending on the ingredients. I make my juice within 7 days before the event. Test it two days after juicing and the day before the event.  


Regarding setup, Mike Millers giant bubble party videos are very helpful...


Your target audience is kids. Parents are a plus and seniors love bubbles too. That said focus on parties, daycare centers, nursing homes, other festival venues, science centers and such.

Marketing Material

Send out materials such as flyers, email and web based invitations across social networks well in advance. Make a press release and post in community papers and mags.Send out bi-weekly countdown notices via website and social networks.. 

Event Management

Assign someone to oversee safety, quality control and accident prevention
Assign someone to an information table
Assign someone to a welcome table
Assign someone to do bubbling demonstrations
Assign someone to games and activities
Be very inclusive, welcoming and give plenty of commendation.

Games and Record Breaker Activities

Consider games that don't require a lot of running as juice gets very slippery on the ground.
Feature bubble size and number of bubbles record breakers


Demonstrate how to hold the wand and make bubbles. The best way to demonstrate is to do some bubbling yourself using a variety of wands. 


Background music is nice but keep it light, and be discreet regarding titles.


Make sure you have someone take quality pictures and video of the event. Be prepared to provide a brief interview with the local news and radio stations.

For more info regarding getting started you'll find some helpful info on the soap bubble wiki at

Supplies and Materials

Supplies vary depending on the details of your performance, activities, presentations, theme, etc.
If you're looking for a great place to purchase supplies go to the Bubble Show Store.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Beautiful Bubbles At Golden Hour Dusk To Twilight

Like liquid glass defying gravity enormous bubbles against the sunlight are a fantastic sight to behold. But as beautiful as bubbles are on a crisp sunny day, we discovered that bubbles are just as beautiful at dusk as this video reveals.

Brenda I enjoy bubbling against the sun but we also enjoy an evening of bubbling. One day we decided to start bubbling as the sun set. We were totally mesmerized by a display of beautiful soft pastels at golden hour.  From dusk to twilight the bubble surface reflected gorgeous colors of violet, lavender, coral, purple, ruby, fuchsia, salmon, peach, and orange red. Who knew? Watch hour video and notice how bubbles are equally as beautiful in the evening from dusk to starlit night.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Bubbles of Joy

The message in the art of blowing bubbles is so powerful no
words and explanations are required.  

What holds an audience captive by making them remember an almost forgotten childhood innocence and joy while leaving them spellbound and smiling all the way back home.  

We've listed videos posted on Youtube that seem to do just that and we dare you not to smile.


About The Author

Last summer, while throwing an entertaining bubble show for Baltimore city kids in the park, I remember spotting a gentleman driving by in a huge red Mack truck. He suddenly stopped in the middle of the road to gaze at the unusually large and colorful glistening bubbles floating high above our heads. He said he was blocks away and had to turn back around to see this spectacle. I knew he got the message and his day was made a little bit brighter.

Nothing thrills me more than to see the looks on adult's faces as they behold sparkling rainbow colored bubbles floating by with an unspoken message of unity, peace, joy, hope and most of all that silly feeling of sweet innocent glee they may not have felt sense they were little kids. 

Want to brighten your friends day? Send the "No Smiles Allowed Stare Dare Challenge" their way.

- Mark Angelo Askew

9 Fun Bubble Shows
Spreading the charm of bubble blowing
 in Charm City, Baltimore

My bubble show music videos, First Stop.
The lawns of Johns Hopkins University
- John Hopkins at Eastern

Baltimore, Maryland.

Share the joy and find out more about spreading the unspoken message of peace, hope and the love of innocence through the Art of Blowing Bubbles at