B u b b l e A r t I n M o t i o n
T h e A r t o f B l o w i n g B u b b l e s
Angelo designed an original three-ring wand and his special bubble solution
recipe and combined his original theme song composition to produce
this beautiful and relaxing art in motion music video.
this beautiful and relaxing art in motion music video.
A b o u t U s
Our Mission: To put a smile on the face of each child and
plant a seed of joy and hope in the heart.
To rekindle the innocence and wonder of childhood
plant a seed of joy and hope in the heart.
To rekindle the innocence and wonder of childhood
in adults and teens alike.
Objective: Help us purchase a $350,000 theater
featuring live bubble shows, puppet shows and movie.
The theater will seat 300 attendees at a time.
featuring live bubble shows, puppet shows and movie.
The theater will seat 300 attendees at a time.
There will be hands-on walk-thru tours throughout the day
featuring fascinating colorful
bubble blowing inventions and science displays
The Art of Bubble Blowing
By Mark Angelo Askew
We are The Happiness Makers. Fund our cause